Katarzyna Kujawa

Katarzyna ([birthday day=”25.07.1996″]) participated in our workshop in Warsaw, Poland, in 2013. She is a student at XXVII LO im. Tadeusza Czackiego in Warsaw. She strives to become an economist and enjoys learning languages as well as sportive activities.

For me, Europe is…

…my home.

If you could, what would be the first thing you would change in Europe?

I think we should pay more attention to our planet, to our environment, that’s why I would come up with an idea of educating children how to be Earth-friendly in everyday life. If they get used to it, we won’t have to teach them how to be eco in the future, as it will be normal for them to take care of our planet.

Activities for the Youth Council:

Member of the Working Group on Education (since 2015)

Member of the Working Group on Energy (2013-2015)
