
Is it dangerous to be an activist?”, “Have you personally been harassed?” – these were two of the questions asked in the live chat. The rights of the gay and lesbian community in Africa are an insecure issue in Africa. And even the more if you officially stand up for it.

That is exactly what our three live chat partners do. Chesterfield Samba lives in Zimbabwe and leads the lobby for gay and lesbian´s rights there (GALZ). Junic Wambya comes from Uganda and is member of the group Freedom and Roam Uganda (FARUG). Rashidi Williams engages in the Queer Allicance in Nigeria. Together these three remarkable personalities showed the young chat participants what the legal state is in their country and how hard it is to fight for their rights.

Every activity is considered illegal and means I am a criminal at the moment and can be arrested.”

You can read up the whole live chat here.
